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Our Impact

18,000+ adolescents benefit from MYDA youth development service annually. Read more about the improvements that MYDA programs deliver.

MYDA Organization youth Services

Our member organizations provide a range of services that include:

  • Physical and Mental Health Services

  • Academic Support

  • College Prep

  • Workforce Training

  • Community Service

  • Legal Aid

  • Mentorship

  • Leadership Development

  • Social Services

  • Scholarships

84% of MYDA Particpants advanced on one or more
social emotional metric

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is the process through which young people develop the soft skills they need to get along as they grow up and engage with the world. SEL helps young people to build and maintain positive relationships as well as to treat setbacks and challenges as learning experiences for their own growth. (Source: Hello Insight)

Social Emotional Impact

impact on college attitudes

  • College Knowledge

    A young person’s self assessed good or great knowledge about the process of applying to college and for financial aid.

  • College Outlook

    A young person’s motivation to apply for and attend college—a fundamental belief that they will be able to succeed in this context.

  • Goal Orientation

    A young person’s capacity to envision a positive future and set a path forward to achieve their dreams